The 3 Worlds (T3W)

 Navigating the Tapestry of Beliefs

Introduction: ‘The 3 Worlds’ philosophy asserts that every religious and philosophical system, including atheism, is a creation and expression of one of three worlds. Individuals, consciously or unconsciously, contribute to the formation and propagation of one of these worlds.

The Three Worlds (Conclusions):

1. Everyone Will Be Alright:

(No death or hell; We are eternalTOeverlasting and safe.)

2. No One Will Be Alright:

(Life is temporary; Our existence is dependent upon our physical body.)

3. Some Will Be Alright:

(Varied destinies, with some gaining eternalTOeverlasting life, while others face death OR torment.)

Philosophical Context: All known religions and philosophies fall within one of these three worlds. As they are diametrically opposed, one must be the reality, and the others deemed illusions. Despite the uncertainty, individuals passionately believe in their chosen worldview, often mistaking belief for knowledge.

Approaching Reality: ‘The 3 Worlds’ philosophy aims to approach reality by reducing global belief systems to three fundamental perspectives. This process involves affirming the realities of existence, infinity, and eternity, utilizing reason and logic to explore the most likely possibility.

Integration of Technology and AI: Anticipating the role of technology and Artificial Intelligence, we expect these advancements to play a vital role in our pursuit of understanding reality. As we affirm existence and infinity, technology becomes a tool to enhance our exploration and potentially bring us closer to determining and experiencing the truth.

July 18, 2019 Video 'The 3 Worlds.'

Soon to be published . . .

What are the objectives?

A Heavenly Culture on Earth  

  • 100% satisfaction for everyone in the areas of food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, world-wide travel and entertainment.
  • Free speech . . . no physical attack . . . unoffendability
  • Zero tolerance for coercion

A New Economic Infrastructure 

  • Why Earth should be heavenly
  • Two preposterous proposals
  • The benefits of, concerns about, and objections to the proposals
  • Vision and prophecies